I know everyone can look up these dates, but I thought I would put together a quick summary for any of those out there wanting to check out one of the many events involving the Maine Anjou cattle at the Ft Worth Stock Show.
Saturday, January 22nd:
9:00 am Texas Jr. Maine Anjou Association Meeting
9:00 am Silent Auction begins for the Texas Maine Anjou Association
Sunday, January 23rd:
8:00 am Junior Maine Anjou Show
Wednesday, January 26th:
Maine Anjou open show cattle begin moving in
Saturday, January 29th:
10:00 am Texas Maine Anjou Association Board Meeting - French Room
4:00 pm Maine Anjou Social Gathering
Sunday, January, 30th:
9:00 am Maine Anjou Open Show (Mainetainers, High Percentage, then Fullbloods)
12:00 pm Bidding Closes on TMAA Silent Auction
3:00 pm Maine Anjou open show cattle released