ZNT Cattle Co. is a huge proponent of youth activities, especially those activities of our Texas Jr. Maine Anjou members and Jr. Maine Anjou Members throughout the United States.
Traci and I are proud to offer the following donations to the TMAA Silent Auction being held at the 2011 Ft. Worth Stock Show:
10 unit lot of Montego Bay semen. Montego Bay is one of the most exciting Maine Anjou bulls to hit the scene in 2010. MB was named Jr. Calf Champion Maine Bull at the 2010 Ft. Worth Stock Show on his only outing to the show ring.
A hand stitched custom hoodie from Purple Banner Design. ZNT Cattle will cover the costs of the winning bidder's hoodie that is custom made to their liking. You will see my daughter wearing hers in Ft. Worth.